Cover Letter Tips to Get Noticed

Bangalore: Most aspiring job seekers fail to understand the value and importance of a well organized cover letter. They do not realize that both resume and cover letter go hand-in-hand, and play an important role in landing a job.

Developing a creative, thoughtful and well crafted cover letter boost the chances of landing a job, and help elevate your resume and talent to the top of the pile on any recruiter’s desk. More importantly it creates a positive first impression with respect to the recruiter and helps you land even harder to obtain interview.     

Here is list of tips that will help you outshine your competition and get you one step closer to an interview, as reported on

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1. Understand The Role Of The Cover Letter:

A well-crafted cover letter is basically a sales letter with respect to the recruiter. A cover letter gives you an opportunity to showcase your skills and let the recruiter know why you are the perfect person for the job. In addition, it allows you to demonstrate your desire to work, identify specific ways your expertise can benefit the organization, differentiate yourself from the rest of the pile, demonstrate your individual personality and arouse interest that will help you to get the interview. 

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